
Post-docs are selected based on their track record, their publications, and their post-doc project (which they must conduct within an SMS member research centre). They are selected in two rounds, the first based on their applications and the second consisting of an interview with the Steering Committee. Here is the list of post-docs and their career after the post-doc:


- “Sur les routes de l’autorickshaw : activités marchandes transnationales et chaîne logistique industrielle [On the road of the autorickshaw: transnational market activities and the industrial supply chain]” (2013, anthropology, the postdoc subsequently continued with another postdoc and was recruited in one of the CNRS research teams affiliated with SMS).

- “Migrations transnationales et réseaux : l’exemple des Marocain(e)s [Transnational migrations and networks: the example of Moroccans]” (2013, sociology, the postdoc was recruited as an associate professor and joined one of the CNRS research centres affiliated with SMS).

- “Morts légales : Analyse comparée de la formation de trois politiques publiques aux Etats-Unis [Legally Dead: A Comparative analysis of the formation of three public policies in the United States]” (2013, political science, the researcher worked on the postdoc for a few months with SMS then obtained another postdoc with another institute).

- “L’enveloppement du monde. Les réseaux de la recherche et l’industrie spatiale [Covering the world: research networks and the space industry]” (2013, history, the researcher continued with other postdocs)

- “Les processus de conversion (relative ?) à la Nouvelle Gestion Publique [The (relative ?) conversion process to new public management]” (2014, researcher is seeking another postdoc)

- “Devenir un ‘ex-Israélien’ ? Rapport au politique, modalités de départ et d’installation des émigrés israéliens en France et en Allemagne [Becoming an ‘ex-Israeli’? The relation to politics, departure circumstances, and the settling of Israeli emigrants in France and Germany] (2014, political science, researcher is now seeking another postdoc)

- “Mobilités socio-spatiales et diversification des activités dans les montagnes agricoles africaines : Les jeunes acteurs locaux des filières « made in China » au Cameroun et en Tanzanie [Socio-spatial mobility and diversification of activities in the African agricultural mountains: Young local actors of the "Made in China" networks in Cameroon and Tanzania]" (2014, geography, postdoc was recruited at a research organization specialising in Africa)

- “Les effets de la participation aux paniques morales en ligne sur la dynamique relationnelle. Analyse comparée du cas du mariage gay en France et en Californie [The effects of participating in online heated moral debates on  relational dynamics: A comparative analysis of gay marriage in France and in California]” (2014, sociology-information-communication. Afterwards, the researcher was recruited for another postdoc.)

- “Consuls en réseaux. L’institution consulaire française de 1815 à 1848 [Consuls in Networks : the institution of French consulates from 1815 to 1848]” (2015, in progress) history

- “La politisation du/par le droit : une étude du cas de Solidarité paysans [Politicization of/by the law: a case study of peasant solidarity]" (2015, political science, in progress)

- “Saisir les transformations de l'aide humanitaire par ses dispositifs d'étatisation. Structuration d'un réseau d'action publique et (re)définitions de la politique humanitaire [Understanding changes in humanitarian aide through nationalization policies: Organizing a public action network and the (re)definitions of humanitarian policy]” (2015, political science, in progress)

- “Perception et gestion des maladies animales et politique de contrôle des animaux en Mongolie [Perception and management of animal diseases and animal control policies in Mongolia]” (2015, anthropology, ongoing).