Bastien Soutjis

Thesis in sociology

Thesis defended on January 13, 2021

Sociology of market information in the age of digital technologies under the supervision of Franck Cochoy.

Thesis Abstract

This dissertation focuses on the development of digital technologies dedicated to consumer information on food and consumer goods and the issues surrounding the management and opening of data underlying these technologies.

These technologies (e.g. mobile applications, e-commerce sites, data exchange systems, etc.) are associated with many promises in terms of consumer information. In particular, several actors (manufacturers, retailers, regulators, researchers, mobile application developers) have been forecasting since the early 2010's that the "dematerialization of product information" should increase transparency and enable consumers to better know what they are eating and buying, thanks to more exhaustive, more legible and possibly personalized information.

This dissertation operates a critical and empirical look at these promises.