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Transformation of Production Worlds
Research on business clusters has been enriched by the study on start-ups (some of which start-ups participated in the clusters examined) and by discussions with representatives from the aerospace industry in the SMS Think Tank Laboratoire Des Idées (see below). We have thus identified changes in the main industrial cluster of Greater Toulouse including a likely decline in its design work, which threatens the cohesion of the cluster.
For the agri-food industry, SMS research has provided insight into what kinds of resources companies mobilize in order to innovate, based on studies analyzing multiple kinds of interactions among actors (such as innovative projects in competitivity clusters and in regional organizations, spatial externalities of specialization and diversification). These studies are based on econometric quantitative approaches and on qualitative approaches to interviews, using the quantified narrations method. These approaches have enabled researchers to bring to light the specificities of companies in the agri-food sector, for whom rootedness in a given territory and the organization of sectors are important issues (link with Group 7 "Rural Worlds").