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Trajectoires de jeunes en situation de précarité (méthodes mixtes)
Publié le 4 décembre 2024 – Mis à jour le 4 décembre 2024
le 7 mars 2025
Pour obtenir le lien zoom, merci de contacter : Guillaume Favre
Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès, bâtiment Olympe de Gouges, GS135Pour obtenir le lien zoom, merci de contacter : Guillaume Favre
Séance commune des séminaires "Savoirs, Réseaux et Médiations" & "Usages, Techniques et Marchés" du LabEx SMS
The use of social capital among young people with precarious labour market trajectories: a mixed methods approachAlthough the notion of social capital has been strongly criticised for its polysemic nature in the social sciences, it is undeniable that, in its network approach, it refers to the notion of resources embedded in an individual’s network of personal connections. The research to be presented in this talk departs from this notion of social capital to analyse how young people with precarious labour market trajectories acquire and use personal network resources throughout their labour market trajectory. A hybrid data collection tool has been used for this purpose, which greatly facilitates the collection of quality sequential data, both in relation to the career path developed and in relation to the connections acquired and used along this path. The results will show that although it might initially be thought that young people use social capital like any other type of worker, the ways in which they acquire and use social capital are quite different. These differences are even more important when looking in particular at young people with precarious labour market trajectories. The research findings allow, on the one hand, to reflect on and question some widespread stereotypes about the notion of social capital when a network approach is used (e.g. the correspondence between strong and homophilic ties), and on the other hand, to think about and develop actions to avoid situations of labour market exclusion among these young people with greater vulnerability.
Intervenant :
- Joan-Miquel Verd Pericas, IET, UAB