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Simmel award
Publié le 24 août 2020 – Mis à jour le 24 août 2020
le 24 août 2020
En 2020, Claire Bidart, Alain Degenne et Michel Grossetti se sont vus décerner le prix Simmel de l’International Network for Social Network Analysis (https://www.insna.org/simmel-axward) pour leurs travaux sur les réseaux personnels, dont une partie a été soutenue par le Labex SMS. Certains de ces travaux seront très bientôt disponibles dans l'ouvrage Life in Networks. Dynamics of Social Relations (Cambridge University press, Automne 2020).
In 2020, Claire Bidart, Alain Degenne and Michel Grossetti were awarded the Simmel prize by the International Network for Social Network Analysis (https://www.insna.org/simmel-axward) for their work on personal networks, part of which was supported by the Labex SMS. Some of this work will soon be available in the book Life in Networks. Dynamics of Social Relations (Cambridge University press, Autumn 2020).
In 2020, Claire Bidart, Alain Degenne and Michel Grossetti were awarded the Simmel prize by the International Network for Social Network Analysis (https://www.insna.org/simmel-axward) for their work on personal networks, part of which was supported by the Labex SMS. Some of this work will soon be available in the book Life in Networks. Dynamics of Social Relations (Cambridge University press, Autumn 2020).